Ever gone back and dug up childhood memories? books you read...movies you watched...toys you had. Let me tell you, it is a powerful thing. I moved into a new place this weekend, and had to organize my book collection on the glorious new massive bookshelves I bought. I found my childhood books...Im talking FIRST memories as Lucy. To open these and study the pictures and storylines brings back so many feelings and concepts, it was abit overwhelming. When you re-visit things in your life like this, you realize how they have shaped your concepts and feelings in a serious way.
For instance, the papa bear of 'The Berenstain Bears' literally looks like my real-life dad in my mind...and always has. I did not realize this until I opened the book again at age 27. The characters of Ruby Buttons and Violet Pickles in the 'Ivy Cottage' books embody how I've always seen myself and my big sister Alison...I'm the short redhead (Ruby) and she is the tall skinny girl (Violet). again, I hadn't pieced this together until just now.
I suppose I'm sharing this seemingly kiddie concept, because it is incredible to see your mind...your entire LIFE to this point has been affected by what's around you. That is why it is of the utmost importance that we pay attention to what young people are influenced by. I am fortunate to have been exposed to very minimal violence in my childhood, but I see kids sometimes who are allowed to watch the news, or violent movies and it is really upsetting.
I am off to band rehearsal for my concert this saturday 6/26 at the Marin County Fair...and while I do that, do an amazing thing for yourself and find some of the old books/movies/places from your childhood and dive in again. It unlocks a forgotten world in your mind and leads to self-discovery. SO FUN!!
I'm a new follower and LOVE this post. SO true! Grew up in Westlake, I think we have mutual friends :)