July 21, 2009

Lucy Walsh; You know what really BUGS me about tour?

While on my US radio tour for my Def Jam record that never saw the light of day, my BF Emily and I encountered the largest bug on earth. It happened in the dead of night in Savannah-Georgia, while we were staying in the basement of a haunted mansion. I documented the events so that in case the bug devoured us, the footage would reveal the truth behind our disappearances...watch (PS. yes, i know there is mis-spelled text...hey, it was a long tour)

1 comment:

  1. Hold on there, Ladies...that is a tyke compared to the roaches in Panama, Central America. As I sit here typing this, honestly, you could have thrown a saddle and rode them down there.
    FIY...I found your site by tracking down your dad, Joe...strangely enough one of his early tunes inspired me as a child, to do what I do now and I thought I'd see what he was up to these days.
    Seeing you as a Musician (I didn't even know he had children) is great and I wish you the best, as a matter of fact, I'm gonna look you up on Amazon and check your sound out! Stay with it and thanks for the vid, that roach didn't have a chance!!
